TikTok has another competitor - YouTube introduces 15-second videos

TikTok appeared in our life relatively recently, but it managed to overtake even YouTube in popularity and profitability. Therefore, it is not surprising that the developers of the world's largest video hosting company decided to add the ability to publish 15-second videos, hoping to use this innovation to lure fans of short sketches from TikTok to their service.

YouTube is preparing a surprise

Recently it became known that soon YouTube users will have a small surprise - the developers are going to add the ability to record short 15-second videos directly from the mobile application. At the same time, unlike filmed stories, such videos will be uploaded to the feed like regular videos.

To record such a clip, users will have to click the Create Video button in the mobile app. Also, bloggers will have access to a catalog of licensed music from YouTube Music, which can be superimposed over the footage. As for the long videos, they will also be downloaded from the gallery.

Competition for TikTok?

The near-complete identity of the new YouTube feature with the TikTok concept supports the theory that two rival companies are trying to pull the audience over. Previously, Instagram and Snapchat tried to crank up the same scam, adding the ability to record short videos to their mobile applications.

It should be noted that YouTube has a slight advantage - this platform has a fairly wide user base. On the other hand, most viewers use the server to watch full-length videos and are not interested in short sketches. Therefore, it is completely unclear how successful the experiment will be.

Of course, many companies' concerns about the growing popularity of TikTok are well-founded. In the last two years alone, the application has grown by 125%, and the number of installations in the last 12 months has reached 842 million. The program is so popular among users that it has become a real cultural phenomenon.

In April 2020, YouTube developers announced the imminent addition of a new feature to the mobile app. Now users will be able to shoot and upload to the server short videos with audio. The innovation should help the company to lure the audience away from the increasingly popular TikTok service, and only time will tell whether it will be possible to implement the plan.

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