In Israel, invented a dangerous light bulb "with a secret" - security services in a panic.

The new development of scientists makes it possible to eavesdrop on a person using a telescope and a laptop, installed a couple of ten meters from the room. But this does not surprise anyone. It is much more interesting that today even a light bulb that vibrates under the influence of sound waves can receive the desired information.

Development essence

Experts from Ben-Gurion University and the Weizmann Institute have presented the world with a new listening device. Its design externally mimics a regular light bulb. Scientists have armed themselves with the knowledge that sound waves acting on various objects cause subtle vibrations.

They are the ones that spread throughout the room, affecting the light bulb, which instantly begins to vibrate. Thanks to the light-sensitive equipment aimed at the "bug", its vibrations can be recorded, converting them into speech.

Functionality and limitations

The eavesdropping device works in real time and does not provide for direct contact with the microphone. It is capable of transmitting information from a distance of 25 meters. The Lamphone system consists of an electro-optical sensor and a telescope, which are connected to a laptop with dedicated audio editing software. There is no need to be intimidated and close the windows with blackout curtains, since the development has its drawbacks. Experts clarify that the light bulb responds only to loud and clear speech. In addition, they must hang directly from the ceiling, because hidden by the shade, they lose their listening ability.

FSB fear

The discovery of Israeli scientists caused a resonance among the world's secret services. Serious concerns about the new wiretapping system were expressed by FSB Major General in reserve Alexander Mikhailov. According to him, in the near future, not only light bulbs will be able to monitor the actions of the inhabitants of the apartment

Through certain manipulations, they collect information and send it to the special services server. But in the last decade there has been more than one scandal associated with spying on embassy staff and ordinary citizens. But then all this was done using e-mail and webcams, but now lighting technology was used ...


According to Mikhailov's forecasts, spy bulbs will be able not only to transmit sound, but also images. The Major General is confident that the West is actively developing technology that will allow to control the subconscious of people. A huge breakthrough came after a detailed study of human fine motor skills when working with a keyboard and mouse.

After lengthy experiments, the special services will be able to directly influence the subconscious of every citizen who uses a computer. In addition, Mikhailov recalled that for many years there have been unusual espionage devices that have been successfully tested, being repeatedly used in intelligence operations of the special services of different states.

In the past, the offices of big bosses were often bugged, so thick and heavy French curtains hung on the windows. They perfectly suppressed noise, not letting sound out. And that's why they were used as additional protection against eavesdropping.

Alexander Mikhailov notes that a real scandal erupted in 1991 when the last head of the KGB declassified information about espionage at the US embassy located in Moscow. The highlight of the resonant case was the proven fact that the role of "bugs" was played by various materials and the structure of the building itself. The entire complex played the role of a huge microphone that transmitted data to the special services.

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